Next Generation Thermal Storage


  • Startdato

  • Slutdato

  • Samlede støtteberettigede projektudgifter (kr.)

  • EU-støtte til projektet (kr.)

  • Indstillet af

    Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse
  • Fond og indsatsområde

    Regionalfonden, Grøn, digital genstart af SMVer
  • Støttemodtagerens navn

    Copenhagen Atomics a/s
  • Støttemodtagers lokalisering (DK-postnummer)



Electrification and integration of renewable electricity is a key challenge for the on-going green transition. This emphasizes the need for a robust and flexible grid. One solution is to combine the existing facilities with high temperature energy storage - this is addressed in the present project.

The Norfors facility in Kokkedal is a key location for further electrification north of Copenhagen due to the grid connectivity and district heating. Similarly, there are a large number of local power plants that will need alternative solutions once we stop burning waste (from 2028), Russian gas (asap) or biomass. In addition, there is an increasing demand for electricity. It is estimated that 1 million Danish households lack green electricity. A part of the solution for these challenges are addressed by the present project.


The scope of the project is to develop next generation high temperature thermal storage technology (>500 C) for PtX with increased efficiency and capacity:

  • Combining existing (low efficiency) energy production and thermal storage
  • Higher temperature, thus higher efficiency
  • Increased capacity at peak hours by boosting existing production with stored energy
  • Strengthen Danish PtX technology 

Combining energy production (both wind and thermal) with high temperature thermal energy storage can solve the key challenges related to the implementation of more renewable energy: The alignment between energy supply and demand. 

The proposed solution decouples production and demand by storing excess electricity at high temperature (>500 C), thus enabling higher electrical efficiency when converting back to electricity at peak hours in the existing steam turbines. This potentially also increases the electrical efficiency, resulting in higher capacity of existing turbines, thus getting more green capacity out of already paid and installed equipment. The ambition of this PtX project is to demonstrate the feasibility (technically and financially) and develop the key components required. The output is a complete feasibility study.